BuzzedHearts’s Last Mission.

- Messages to Amouries in general
Halo Amouries, gak kerasa ya kita sudah bareng-bareng hampir sebulan ini. Aku mau ucapin banyak terimakasih buat kalian yang sudah menemani hari-hari aku selama ini! Aku bahagia pernah serumah sama kalian. Aku harap gak ada yang berubah dari kita ya, tetap asik dan seru walaupun nanti kita udah beda jalannya masing-masing. Aku harap kalian selalu dikelilingi oleh hal-hal dan orang-orang baik!
- Memories I remember in BuzzedHearts
♡ Verification day!
♡ Dare jelek from papi Dirga
♡ Event with 3NCOK, M3WING, and FOCUS
♡ Miyes’s mio anggora
♡ All the happy moments with my fellow Amouries and Lumières
- If I could take Lumières with me I would take..
♡ I would love to take mami Sarah for a tea time. I’m sure it would be such a pleasant and enjoyable experience. We could sit together, relax, and talk about so many different things, sharing stories and spending a nice time together.
♡ I would take Miyes on a lovely trip around Paris, riding his Mio Anggora. We’ll explore the beautiful streets and landmarks of the city, and along the way, we’ll stop to take lots and lots of selfies to capture all the fun moments together.
♡ Last, on bright Jumat barokah, aku bakal ajak papi Dirga untuk pergi ke kajian ustad Hanan Attaki. Kita bakal banyak belajar dari kajian itu dan berubah jadi manusia yang lebih mawas diri lagi, amin.
- Choose a song from Buzz album that relates with my current situation and tell the reasons

For those who seem perfectly fine on the outside but are falling apart within. For those who grew up learning to rely only on themselves emotionally. For those who try to escape their own struggles, only to find themselves back where they started. Yet, doing it anyway.